Tuesday 26 July 2011

what your face reveals about you

Face Reading

The saying that “the face is the index of the mind” is true because we can make out the whole personality of a person through the science of Face Reading. According to this science, human face reveals all its personality traits if read by an expert face reader. Your face is just like an open book, comprising the most unforgettable and unique feature of your traits. A skilled face reader can read each facial feature and line on a face to develop an accurate profile of its owner.

Face size, lines, skin colour, spots etc. can reflect its owner's personal history, mental attitudes, intimacy needs, ethics, emotional style, and verbal communication. Roughly, if you want to know about personality of a person, it can be easily discovered through reading his or her face.
Following are the types of faces which can explain the whole personality of a person.
  • Triangle Face - Pyramid type
  • Leading Element – Fire
Male Owners of pyramid type Triangle Face are found thin, with long face, and red eyes as well as they can be cunning, active, full of angry, and bold. They hold good memory power. They often become anger just on very small issues. They are also known as good speakers, arrogant, and leader with stubborn nature. These types of people are seen involved in both construction and demolition works. They can also have contact to underworld mafia. They stay highly excited in carrying out each of their activities. Sexuality leads these people. They always try to live their life through help of temporary arrangements of facilities.  They can also harm others for realising their aims.  But they are also considered as admirer and help the society in removing several misconceptions. That’s why we can see these traits in some good politicians.

Female owners of pyramid type Triangle Face do not keep faith on marriage. If these females are involved in marriage then their intolerance nature creates several quarrels in their domestic life. Their nature traits include cunningness, addicted to alcoholic stuffs, and over talkativeness. Their over talkativeness nature often make them good speaker and this is the reason so that these females are also seen involved in political field. They often become successful leaders.
  • Triangle Face – Inverted Pyramid Type
  • Leading Element – Fire
An inverted pyramid face is considered as a true triangular face. Male owners of this face love to stroll very much. They do all their works in hurry. Males with such triangle face are seen involved in media, film industry and sports. Their nature traits include elation, enthusiasm, ingenuity, disagreement, and positivity. These males are also found curious and devotee towards love and beauty. Sexuality may lead their life as well as tiffs with life partner have also been noted. They live a scattered life.

However, they surely achieve a highest point of success, but are separated form their family. They make their own world and enjoy in living there. They never like to fail and even minor failure shakes them at a bad extent.  They are considered as wisest persons. They also have good grip in general knowledge. They have rapturous nature and like to travel a lot. They often love to make fun and create jokes. Apart from above all, the frequently get confused so that they are easily misguided by others.

Female owners of such triangle face love their homes. They stay agile and keep their home clean. These females are considered skilled in household work. They also don’t stay arrogant or ill-tempered. They are considered wise and frequently get involved in each matter of family or friends. They are often seen in hurry. They love to complete their work at the right time as well as never waste their time and money.
  • Round face
  • Leading Element - Water
Round face persons can be easily identified from their full cheeks. Round face males stay happy, fickle and entertaining. They are also loved by society. These males are considered as an avatar or divine person. Their calm nature often helps in welfare of society. In early days of their life, they have to work hard for their livelihood so that they often get bored from their relationship with society. They are seen healthy, visionary, kind, and dreamer as well as get attracted towards spiritualism. A special attraction is found on round face males as they are led by water element. These people retain an aura on their faces which makes a feeling of peace to other. These people can become selfish and despite the owner of a religious place, they can plan to kill someone. They can also blackmail to other for fulfilling their interests.

Females with round face are knows for their fickle, intelligent and loveable nature. These females are known for true love with their husbands. Round face females are seen simple, calm, kind, affectionate, and agile in their youth time.
  • Square face
  • Leading Element – Earth
Males with squarish face are easily identified with well built muscular body. Their nature traits include ardent interest in physical activities, sport and outdoor movements. Being with earth element, these males stay aggressive, ambitious and dominating. They are also seen attracted towards materialistic life. You cannot easily judge the Character of these males. They are also called dreamers as well as planners. Stubbornness, laziness and foolishness are their other nature traits. Possibly, they keep their money carefully. Generally, they are decisive and can not be easily influenced by others. However, it seems that anybody can make them fool but it is not true.

Their mind is sharp and analytical so that they can become a good scientist, engineer or mechanic. They easily judge the people who want to cheat them. They are cunning and like to show their intelligence to others. They are liked by females. They often have good relationship with women. They also develop illegitimate relationships with women, who may offer them money and property for the same.

Being influenced by earth element, females with squarish face stay slow in their daily activities. They slowly fulfil their plans. They are also good in collection of stuffs. They never walk in hurry.
  • Oval face 
  • Leading Element – Sky
Owners of oval face retain a distinct glow on their face and eyes. These males are seen as a religion teacher, politician, scientist, great writer, leader or director of an organisation. They are often seen as symbol of people. These males stay liberal, kind, and ambitious. They never compromise with their dignity. They also like loneliness and stay magnificent, spiritual and theist. One of their life purposes always remains in welfares of society. They are also considered erotic. They are seen well-off in luxury and prosperity. They live different lives for family and career. They bring new stuffs in their surroundings. They become good researchers and can go into the deep of a subject. They love to peace. They also achieve great success in their professions.

Female owners of oval face do not achieve very good position in their life. However, they stay philosopher, talkative, and practical. They feel fear from marriage. These females are also known as religious, holy, practical, wealthy, theist, and fortunate.


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