Monday 8 August 2011

Secreats Of Eye Colour

See How your Eye Color Distinguish You from Others:

Eyes are the window to the soul. Shape and size are factors into how others perceive your eyes, but the first thing people notice about your eyes is their color. Eye colors are classifies into just a few groups: brown, blue, green, and hazel. No two people have the exact same eye color but no matter which eye color group you fit into, your eye color says a lot about you.

Brown eyes say that you are sweet, conservative, and trustworthy. Brown eyes are typically thought of as plain and less desirable than a lighter eye color, but brown eyes are deep and loving. People look at brown eyes and think of stability and security. The darker your brown eyes, the sexier. Think of a sweet and loyal puppy's big brown eyes.

Blue eyes say that you are carefree and innocent. Blue eyes are the most desirable eye color. Blue eyes are a recessive gene so natural baby blues are becoming scarce. The most popular contact color is blue. Since blue eyes are lighter than other eye colors, they attract more attention. People look at blue eyes and think of eternal youth. The term baby blues came about from the fact that all babies are born with dark blue eyes. They change color within a few weeks.

Green eyes say that you are sexy, mysterious, and feisty. Green eyes are very rare and instantly hypnotize anyone who gazes into them. People look at green eyed individuals as untrustworthy and sly. Green eyes are classified as a feline feature. Felines are sleek, sexy, and sneaky. Green eyes are definitely the sexiest of all eye colors. Every eye color typically has just a hint of green mixed in with their main eye color, but having green eyes is extra special.

Hazel eyes :are a mixture of brown and green. Hazel eyes say that you are spontaneous, fun loving, and friendly. If there is more brown your hazel eyes are, the more approachable you seem to others. The more green they are, the more mischievous you will seem. Haze eyes are a real treat because they tend to change color depending on your mood. People look at hazel eyes and think of unpredictability and fun.

Saturday 6 August 2011

See What Your Eyes Tells About You

Eyes Shape and Your Personality:
Learn more about your eye shape personality if you are fascinated by the modern science of face reading. Whether you believe in it or not the point is to have fun and find out what pro specialists can tell about the bond between your face and most importantly eye shape and personality. These are the main categories to consider before heading to the mirror for a fun glimpse analysis.

Close-Set Eyes

  • Those who have close-set eyes are often considered confident and rather independent. Relying on the help of others might not be the real deal for them, therefore they often might seem selfish and stubborn. However their personality is in fact dominated by self-asuredness.

  • Devoting special attention to the smallest details they often turn into being a perfectionist. These individuals often seem mysterious therefore radiate a ' you-can't-have-me' image. Still, their best qualities are their versatile personality as well as ability to cope with stress.

  • In order to show off your pride for being blessed with a similar feature make sure you embrace the doe-eyes makeup trend which is oh-so-popular and can be easily created with the shades that best suit your skin tone. Use a fine eyeliner to draw the fine shape of your eyes and then proceed to the application of eye shadow and finally volumizer mascara.

    Wide-Set Eyes

  • Details are no interest for those who have wide-set eyes therefore they often concentrate on the overall image. This is how the philosophical character comes from. These people have no difficulties in refusing a down-to-earth lifestyle and instead diverge into the world of fantasy and endless possibilities.

  • Wide-set eyes signal a more wider perspective and open attitude towards various things in life. Art and other philosophical domains and subjects are no unfamiliar things for them. Their sense of freedom to enjoy life is one of the most appealing traits that makes them so popular in their entourage.

  • For wide-set eyes make sure you try your hand at the cat eyes makeup which would do miracles with your glimpse by illuminating and boosting its prominence. Use the deep and profound tones to bring out your eye color.

  • Bulging Eyes

  • It might seem funny that bulging eyes are associated with a person who is keen to keep a strong eye contact while chatting or other social activities. Indeed this eye shape distinguishes itself both in size and structure.

  • The fragile eyelids that mask the bug eyes are all trademark characteristics of a similar glimpse. These individuals are eager to get familiarized with brand new things craving also for the encounter with interesting people. Friends are extremely important for them as well as the relationship with their working or school colleagues.

  • In order to create the illusion of a perfectly proportionate eye shape apply white or lighter tones to the eyelids especially to the crease area in order to even out the more prominent space there. Use an eyeliner to define the eyes, still make sure you use a less profound tone when highlighting the lower lashline.

  • Upward Turning Cat Eyes

  • Competition is a keyword when it comes of those who have similar upward turning cat eyes. In their case challenges are real fun as they know what they want and also know how to get it. Confidence is one of their most prominent traits and therefore they might seem a bit selfish.

  • However optimism is also one of their strengths, therefore it is not difficult for them to build brand new relationships with others and keep them strong and harmonious. Using their personal charm they often appeal to their physical traits to win the heart of others.

  • There's no need to emphasize that cat eye makeup is the real deal when it comes of emphasizing the worth-admiring shape of their eyes. Therefore if you were blessed with a similar eye shape, make sure you try your hand at the various shades ad popular eye makeup designs.

  • Sunday 31 July 2011

    See What Your Nose Tells About You

     Pick up your Nose:

    Experts believe the distinctive shape of your conk reveals fascinating facts about your personality.
    Here, Simon Brown, author of The Secrets Of Face Reading (Godsfield Press, £12.99) analyses what your nose shape says about you…

    Turned-up nose:

    Turned up nose
    What it looks like: Imagine the shape of the ski jump at the Winter Olympics — it’s a long, curved, almost-concave slope with a slight upward peak at the tip.
    What it says about you: cutesy guppy-nose types are often kind, optimistic and nurturing in personality with bags of enthusiasm, a strong sense of support for friends and family. Oh, and a sexually adventurous side too.
    Who has one? Actresses Nicole Kidman and Marilyn Monroe; former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham.

    Roman nose:

    Roman nose
    What it looks like: This nose has a small bump protruding out, about halfway down the ridge. It points downwards at the tip, but not quite as much as the hawkshaped nose.
    What it says about you: This signals a strong personality — but not always an impulsive one. They are very good at rallying people to take action, often very influential and carefully measured.
    Who has one? Bono (of U2), French president Nicolas Sarkozy, singer Barry Manilow.

    Greek nose:

    Greek nose
    What it looks like: A long, straight and rather strong nose shape. If you look at the angle between the nose tip and the groove above your top lip, it should be about 80 degrees, almost a right angle.
    What it says about you: These are grafters, efficient, hard-working, matter-of-fact sorts of people who keep their emotions close to their chests and can be difficult to fathom. You’ll want to be around them in a crisis.
    Who has one? Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher, Michelangelo’s David statue.

    Hawk nose:

    Hawk nose
    What it looks like: This type of nose has a deep hook at the tip, pointing downwards towards your lip. The shape of the ridge is often curved.
    What it says about you: Out of the six types of nose personality, these are least likely to care what others think of them. They don’t seek approval, are often rebellious and are most happy when pursuing their own goals.
    Who has one? Socialite Paris Hilton, chef Antony Worrall Thompson, poet Dante Alighieri.

    Snub nose:

    Snub nose
    What it looks like: This is a short, small nose that doesn’t usually protrude to any great extent in any particular direction.
    What it says about you: People with this type of nose are often quick-witted and more street-wise than your average person. They react quickly — sometimes too quickly, which can sometimes lead to aggression.
    Who has one? Pop singer Lily Allen, Girls Aloud and X Factor star Cheryl Cole, and Pirates of the Caribbean actor Johnny Depp.

    Nubian nose:

    Nubian nose
    What it looks like: Short and wide, not as protruding as the other shapes and quite an uncommon shape among European noses. It’s common among certain ethnic groups.
    What it says about you: This nose type is said to reflect creativity and passion. Its wearers are often charismatic,which draws people to them.
    Who has one? Actor Will Smith, model Naomi Campbell, Barack Obama.